With his snowy white hair and 6’ 4’’ frame, Mark Collins bears a remarkable resemblance to our founding father, George Washington.Having the same build and general appearance as the famous states man has proven to be fortunate for Collins, he has been asked to portray Washington both on TV and in movies, most recently in “National Treasure: Book of Secrets.” Mark’s skill, however, is not limited to this. He has portrayed Washington, sans script, in a number of speaking engagements and for a diverse set of audiences including the military, schools, churches, and parades. Whether on the movie or TV screen, or from the stage, or pulpit, Collins’ talent for captivating an audience through his powerful speech translates across all audiences. The historical precision of his presentation combined with his moving performance transports his listeners across time, to an era on the verge of great revolution.

Collins Split Face: Comparing an original “life mask” of Washington at age 53 in 1785 by Houdon, the French sculptor, there is an uncanny resemblance.
Mark Collins is a graduate of Northwood University, with a BA in Business. Married to his wife Devy for 30 years they have 6 children ( 28yrs-13yrs ) all home schooled. Currently, Mark is the Pastor of First Baptist Church of Yorktown, Texas.
Gov Perry’s Prayer Breakfast Republican State Conventions: Texas, Oklahoma, South Carolina
Republican National Convention: Minneapolis MN
National Cathedral: Washington DC National Day of Prayer
Focus On the Family: Colorado
Mt Vernon Plantation: Virginia
Kimbell Theater: Colonial Williamsburg
Pro Family Legislators Conference: Dallas, Texas Numerous Tea Party and Republican events Nationally
George Washington in,“The Revolution”, a thirteen part Mini Series, for The History Channel.
National Treasure II
Hunting the Lost Symbol: The Discovery Channel George Washington the Warrior ( 2008 )
George Washington in Behold A Pale Horse: Heartland Pictures ( Summer 2011 )
Deadliest Warrior: Spike TV