
Dawn of Global Government


Ann Eubank is the State Co-Chair of the Rainy Day Patriots Tea Party, one of the first ten (10) tea party’s in the nation. Her activities in the national Conservative movement have taken her to Wisconsin, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Tennessee, Texas and South Carolina, putting “boots on the ground” where needed.

As a member of the Stop Common Core Taskforce, Ann has spent the past five (5) years researching Common Core. She has traveled all over the nation educating parents, grandparents, businessmen and women, and politicos about the truth of Common Core State Standards; what they are, how they originated, how they are damaging our children, who paid for them, and who is getting rich by implementing them in our schools.

Ann’s presentation about the connection between the United Nation’s Agenda 21 and Common Core has shocked parents. Her goal has been to convince “we the people,” state legislatures, and Congress that the United Nation’s Global Education Plan (Common Core Standards aka College and Career Ready Standards) as outlined in Chapter 36 of Agenda 21, should be removed from our schools and replaced with superior American, time tested classical standards before our children and our nation become part of the “One World Order.”