
Special Supplement: Movie Review
As regular readers of the Christian Citizen may be aware, we seldom review movies in these publications. The reason is simple. Most contemporary movies — even movies treating salient topics — to be blunt, do not merit the time, space, or effort to be given reviews. However, the editor recently discovered an exception that stands in stark contrast to the aforementioned rule.
I was honored with an invitation to view a pre-release screening of a film that I consider to be singular in topical value, vivid in the expression of its much- needed message, and excellent in technical quality.
Concerning this outstanding documentary film, Revelation: Dawn of Global Government I will speak to these matters in reverse order.
First, unlike many Christian films of whatever genre, Revelation: Dawn of Global Government was produced with superb cinematography: evocative locations and sets, top flight research and scripting, expert on-screen actors, clear and succinct presentations, etc. This independent project, brilliantly written and produced by Chuck and Anita Untersee, respectively, provides
solid proof that, even though Christian filmmakers may often face the challenge of limited funding, they can and should out-perform their worldly counterparts. I believe this movie demonstrates that God is willing to provide for projects that He approves.
Second, the presenters from President George Washington (expertly portrayed by Pastor Mark Collins) to Charlie Daniels to Dr. Jerome Corsi to Gerald Celente to retired Lieutenant General Jerry Boykin (US Army) to Alex Jones to the late Joan Veon to Pastor Butch Paugh to G. Edward Griffin to Attorney and Constitutional scholar Edwin Viera — the list goes on and on – – are all both great patriots and actual experts in the areas which they address. Each of these individuals spoke with factual precision and eloquence to his/her special area of focus. Taken together, the various presentations treat accurately the overall nature of the greatest threat to America — and the world — today. This, by itself, sets this film apart as a singular documentary.
Third and last, if any citizen — and, particularly, any Christian citizen — of our nation does not grasp the weight of this issue, the imminent nature of the threat, and our interest and responsibility in actively opposing it, this movie is a must-see. It lays out the matter in a clear and convincing fashion. You need to know and understand the truth about the New World Order, the shadow government, and so forth. This film provides an excellent foundation for your education in these grave matters, which affect us all. If you go to a theater to see, only, one movie this year, please, let it be
Revelation: Dawn of Global Government. I extend kudos and thanks to all involved in the making of this first-rate film! I give it five stars, because it deserves the best movie rating.
The movie will open initially in Houston, Texas on April 15, 2016. If this initial release receives good attendance, the film will be released nationwide. Please, pray for this critically important and relevant work. If you live in or near Houston, please, round up your family, friends, neighbors, and congregation and attend this movie in April. If not, but you know people in this area urge them to attend.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Clell Drumheller 2/16/2016
5.0 out of 5 stars
If it doesn’t shake you, watch it again…
This is an incredible film about what’s happening in America while we sleep…Wake up people and see that our wonderful nation is being destroyed and our freedom being taken from us while we sit back & do nothing about it. It’s a must see for every American who wants to know what our government is doing behind our backs….and who’s REALLY in charge!
5.0 out of 5 stars
Johnny,longwalker, B
Nowhere to turn, the truth just kept pounding on my conscious, beating me into prideless submission. Unlike most projects that drone on and on until, eyes glazed, you fall asleep. The combination of professionals, statesmen, entrepreneurs, musicians, figures from history and the heartfelt Americans, known and unknowns, coming forward with their witnesses, was a wonderful thrill-ride building the case of the true conspiracy in our midsts! This is an awakening clarion call for the People to use as a foundation to start their own research into the truth that has been denied us for far too long. If you or a loved one is still ‘asleep-at-the-wheel’ this work will awaken you to the lateness of the hour! BRAVO, BRAVO, & congratulations on completion of an excellent project!
5.0 out of 5 stars
A movie that must be seen be everyone in America
Steve B.
This movie is a must see for everyone in America and the world. Do you feel something is wrong in our country but not sure what? This film will open the door to that question and if you are open to its reality it will not just open the door but it will kick it in! Filled with a literal who’s who of educators and scholars in finance, history and the principles of the Constitution. You want your country back? Are you tired of the over reach of big government invading into your home and life? Then this film is your first step to the cure. It is a literal investment in your future.
5.0 out of 5 stars
Thought provoking but NOT for the faint of heart.
Jalynn “Jalynn”
How to start this review. Let me see. If you bow the knee to the Republicans or Democrats this is not the video for you. If you like living life with your head in the sand this is not for you either. But if you like truth and seek truth and have an understanding that things are not what they seem then this video is for you.
Charlie Daniels is an awesome speaker and when he begins to talk I found myself glued to what he was saying. He and many other liberty seekers are representing in this film what I have been warned was coming in the Baptist church all my life. The one world govt, one world money, one world economy with a few upper crust controlling the world.(Antichrist is what it is called in the Bible). So I was not surprised at this revelation as it is what Dr. David Jeremiah, Irvin Baxter and Dr. Jack Van Impe have been speaking about for a while. What this film does that is different than these preachers, is they name names and places and like I said if you love the Bushes, the Clintons, the Obamas and Kissinger and Rockefeller you will get angry at this video.
But I have read Revelation and much of Daniel and Ezekiel and I know who wins. The end time process has begun I just hope America does not continue on the path of marking their citizens with the chip. I hope she will stand apart from the other nations and be a friend to Israel in these end times. The movie gives documentation of where we American’s are heading and what is happening in our nation. If you have a spine and an open mind you will want to watch this movie.
5.0 out of 5 stars
PlanetPrisoner “Moga” (Nashville, TN)
This is one of the most MUST SEE documentaries I have seen. The film is FACTUAL, REFERENCED, CREDIBLE, and above all, PURELY BASED ON TRUTH AND FACT. Whether you are an Atheist or a Christian…..we ALL have a right to FREEDOM AND LIBERTY. This film isn’t about simply gaining control of our true America, it is about gaining control of Freedom and Liberty GLOBALLY. Every man, woman, and child of the World deserve both.
TRULY A WAKE UP CALL, I recommend this film for citizenship classes, city council meetings, coffee houses, churches, access television, military personnel, policemen, …exposure to any and all. Get it, watch it, share it….. because it may be taken off the mass market.WAKE PEOPLE UP!
5.0 out of 5 stars
More truth in one place than I’ve heard in years!
Scott A. Velain “Scott V” (Ohio)
I’ve found this documentary to be based on the truth. Every American should watch this. It’s more important than Idol, Batman, or even the Olympics. This is a must see. Reality in your face. You can’t say you didn’t know after watching this one. God Bless Charlie Daniels, and God Bless what’s left of the USA.
5.0 out of 5 stars
Electrifying, everyone must see!
Hill Country Oma
It was electrifying, and the standing ovations went on and on. And rightly so. And what an experience it is! I am someone who tries to follow as much of the alternative news as I can fit into a day, and this is especially helpful to share with friends and family, the “doubters” who won’t listen to you trying to wake them up to the ugly truth that’s happening to America and the world. Especially also, but not only, those who you feel sense there is something awfully wrong in America. I particularly like and appreciate the fact that so many participants in this film have contributed to it in their own ways from so many perspectives. Kudos to all!! This film gives so much detail in so many ways that a lot of it will have to start sticking in the minds of even the most reluctant audience. It’s so utterly important and the hour is late – so please tell as many people as you can. This is something to see and absorb by EVERYONE, the novice to finding out the truth as well as the deeply concerned well informed folks.
5.0 out of 5 stars
Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr.
This film is very accurate and timely, because it tells the real truth about what is going on in America. A very knowledgeable cast of experienced Patriots, who tell it like it is, as they have witnessed what is going on. Tell everyone who will listen to see this GREAT film and share the truth with all of their friends and relatives.
Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr.
Researcher, Author & Publisher
5.0 out of 5 stars
Marcia’s Picks
This motion picture speaks the truth about our nation and our governments’ unconstitutional deeds and in a plain understandable way, with names and facts of those who are destroying our beloved nation. This film is a blessing from The Good Lord for us. The filmmakers’ and participants’ heart, soul and patriotism are obvious in this work and you will have much more knowledge and wisdom about what is happening to us right now. You can not ‘unlearn’ what is taught to us in this film. It’s a must see and then it’s a must do!
Best I have seen in a long time!
I have been watching what has been happening to our so called elected officials for 30 years and they have been bought and paid for by the 1 percent and is only getting worse. I thought it was a great movie and touched on many points, problems. What is happening to our rights and Constitution is nothing less then criminal and they should be held for treason! Kudos to the makers, for the courage and the where with all to make such an Epic documentary. I for one will be buying all of the documentary’s done by this company and director. LOVED IT!
5.0 out of 5 stars
A Gripping Message for Those Who Love America
For Freedom
People need to know the dangers that are coming from coupling America’s Big Government with the UN’s Agenda 21. Yet Agenda 21 is so insidious and extensive that it’s hard to get people to listen to much of an explanation. With its appeal to the emotions and the awesome country music of Charlie Daniels, this film is the perfect tool! I thank God for it!
It mixes country common sense wisdom, faith, and patriotism with a good dose of quotes and commentaries from George Washington, and information from experts who KNOW and have researched. It is definitely good on an emotional level for getting people involved. I have lots of films with scholarly documentation on Agenda 21, but was also needing one that would appeal to the emotions. This is it! I plan on using both to get my friends and family off the fence and into the arena to humbly pray and diligently work to restore America. We may not be able to do it. But because of my love for the America that stood for God’s principles, I’ll go down trying! Give me liberty or give me death! People need to know that God’s ways work, and socialism and pagan earth worship DON’T!
5.0 out of 5 stars
A Must See!
This is an excellent film – A call to patriotism and back to the principles upon which this nation was founded. Charlie Daniels is so wonderful in his role as host – he brings a deep and abiding faith in Jesus and His word and love of country, that we can identify with. I recommend it to everyone!
5.0 out of 5 stars
Great movie
Roger K. Elwood
This should be a must see for all Christians in America. I was surprised at some of the information in this movie. A wake up call for American Christians.
5.0 out of 5 stars
Janice Graves
I really enjoyed the movie and loved the content. It tells the truth of where America is heading. I have recommended to several people and will continue to do so.
5.0 out of 5 stars
Mary Huls (Friendswood, TX, US)
Charlie Daniels…among others…is terrific in this must see film. Gather a group of patriots and go see this documentary. You will be energized for the work we must all do.
5.0 out of 5 stars
Great information!
Texas Tea Party Patriot
This movie is the best I’ve seen regarding the current movement of the globalist elite. Agenda 21 is at the very best diabolical and worst, it its the most evil attempt to control mankind ever conceived. It is most unfortunate that some continue to ignore the warnings and claim a conspiracy theory. The fact of the matter is that none of this is hidden from public view. There is a plethora of evidence for those willing to look more closely and connect the dots. I commend the producers of this film and urge people who love life and liberty to see and share it widely. Time is short!
5.0 out of 5 stars
Great Movie. Every American should watch
The movie was very good, every true American should watch it and beware! Go the polls and vote for America. Many people don’t realize what is happening to our wonderful country!
5.0 out of 5 stars
M. Joy Exiner (Texas)
Charlie Daniels and this film are awesome, he gets right to the heart of what’s going on in our Country. The song is fabulous, recommend everyone see this film before they vote for President. Time to wake up people, get out of your comfort zone, open your ears & eyes, do not sit idle while America is being destroyed. This film is a must see for all those concerned about what is happening in America. From George Washington crossing the Delaware to a woman, who lived under communist rule, describing her life and what a precious gift freedom is, it’s a total inspiration. The script is well thought out, and Charlie’s song encapsulates the whole message.
5.0 out of 5 stars
Must See for every American
Samuel M. Tambe (Attica, NY )
This is a must see for every American. It talks about what our Constitution really means. It also stresses the fact that we have gotten away from putting God first in this country. It gives insight about what that means for us as a country if we do not turn back to God. We can only go so far against God’s will before He takes away the hedge of protection and the great wealth that He has provided us.
5.0 out of 5 stars
This film is very informative. It states plain and simple information. In my opinion, everyone should watch this if they are still undecided about the upcoming election.
5.0 out of 5 stars
Like 2016, this is a “must see” for any Patriot. We must stand for America. Prepare to defend our country. God bless America!
5.0 out of 5 stars
Lambs Wrath
The production is highly professional and the speed of information flows well. I had no trouble following the speakers and the cut-aways, etc., and felt each piece of information was related solidly to the prior piece.
The content is incredible and calls forth action from every patriot. The quality of the guests / speakers is amazing. I never heard of most of these folks, but they are passionate, learned, skilled, and very convincing. What comes across is everyone’s sincerity in their topics. Charlie Daniels as a narrator is wonderful, and his down-to-earth style of speech and mannerisms are refreshing. The speakers are divided between men and women, and the women rock! These women in the film really know how to teach.
I give this film 5-stars because overall I found it good and rewarding.
5.0 out of 5 stars
Very True and Awakening
Brenda L. Long
I was moved by this production which is very true and awakening. I appreciate the facts of the many who had input, to give a more complete understanding of what is going on in the nation and the world. It is must watch for everyone. Gives a good understanding of our past and our future. Look forward to seeing more.
5.0 out of 5 stars
must see
Judy S. Christenson
Great film – a must see. An inspiring story of our times and history. Well worth the price.
5.0 out of 5 stars
Must see for all ages!
This is an eye opening documentary about our American government. It reinforces many things I had already known along with give me some new startling facts. This movie not only will open your eyes to what exactly it is our government is doing but, it will also inspire you to make changes, which is exactly what needs to be done. I am a college student and I urge anyone in college, or high school, to watch this movie. Our parents cannot fix this on their own. They need EVERYONE in the fight to bring back the America we love!
5.0 out of 5 stars
Do you consider yourself a Patriotic American?
Bob C
The cast (Gen. Jerry Boykin, Gerald Celente, Dr. Stan Monteith, Larry Pratt, Joel Skousen, Dr. Katherine Allbrecht, Jim Marrs, and Michael Shaw to name a few) do an absolute fantastic job at explaining the situation every American faces. For too many years I dismissed the United Nations as a non-player in world events. That is until I saw the footage in this movie!
The message is laid out in a concise manner and is easy to follow. One is kept on the edge of their seat from scene to scene with anticipation and an appetite to learn more. It’s moments before midnight and the end is drawing near. As America goes so goes the rest of the world. This is a must see movie.
And in case you were wondering Charlie Daniels and Mark Collins (who plays George Washington) are nothing short of amazing.
“We need a 1,000 Paul Revere’s and Its Time To Ride!
5.0 out of 5 stars
A must see movie for today.
Dan Hammer “Dan” (Texas)
Everyone who is concerned about the direction of this country, under both Democrat and Republican administrations, should see this movie. And then tell someone else. We are running out of time and it is explained by everyone from Charlie Daniels to 5 star General J. Boykin. Loved it.
5.0 out of 5 stars
A required viewing by ALL
Finally! Someone has concisely organized so many important voices in one place. THIS IS A MUST SEE for every citizen in America. I really appreciate the way Charlie Daniels asks us not to take his word or to necessarily believe the content of this artistically mastered film, but to go and DO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK after seeing this. This WILL OPEN YOUR EYES and make you want to dig deeper and investigate this topic. The documentary’s website provides more follow up info. The historical vignettes are well done and that really connected me to the depth of patriotism of our founding fathers. George Washington is awesome in here.
It is no longer a conspiracy theory when the evil of the world has published material calling for the abolishment of all private property rights and such drastic measures as an 85% reduction in global population. THIS IS YOUR WAKE UP CALL FOLKS. “We need a thousand Paul Reveres’” You nailed it Charlie! NOTHING COULD BE MORE IMPORTANT IN OUR LIFETIME THAN THE CONTENT OF THIS FILM.
5.0 out of 5 stars
One of The Best Patriot Movies of All Time
Charlie Daniels’ hard hitting and often pointed narration and the interviews with numerous topic experts as well as the experiences of common people give an undeniable overview of the looming specter of One World Government. God Bless America and may His judgment deal appropriately with the evil minions of The New World Order.
5.0 out of 5 stars
Wake up America
Mustang Rocker
This is a great documentary showing the wrong direction our country is headed in. Our forefathers that set up our Republic and gave us the Bill of Rights and The Constitution are currently rolling in their graves as they witness the wholesale assault on our individual freedoms and states rights. A one world government is not what they envisioned and we must stand together as Americans to stop it in it’s tracks by holding our elected officials accountable on both sides of the aisle. The documentary gives the viewer an idea of what we as freedom-loving Americans are up against. I, as an Air Force veteran swore to uphold this nation from its enemies both foreign and domestic and I challenge all veterans to do the same.
5.0 out of 5 stars
Charlie Daniels: “We need a thousand Paul Reveres. It’s time to ride, boys!” Motivating.
5.0 out of 5 stars
Be informed – thanks, Charlie
Horses and Cows (the boonies of Washington State)
In my quest to learn/understand/sort out, this film brings insight ‘who’ is undermining and destroying the United States. Our freedoms are being taken piece by piece, our quality of life is being taxed beyond repair and we the people are becoming we the subjects.
Mr. Daniels gives his name and intro to this informative film but it’s not about him. The purpose is to open the eyes of those who care about the United States of America. Watch this, share it with your friends and family. It’s an eye opener!
5.0 out of 5 stars
This movie is a real eye opener.
5.0 out of 5 stars
We suggest you see this film
Kat Plumb (Sedona, AZ, US)
This movie presents a rich understanding of what the American Experience has been, and where we are headed if we don’t get back to a constitutional government.
5.0 out of 5 stars
A must see
Ron Johnson
A well documented film on the social fall of America. All freedom loving Americans need to see this , and then tell all your friends.
5.0 out of 5 stars
Suzanne S Douglas
This is a very well-done documentary about the condition of us. WOW!! I think this should be mandatory for everyone to watch. Reveals a lot of information that people stick their head in the sand about.
5.0 out of 5 stars
Full of Info and Facts, Could be Overwhelming for Those Just Waking Up!
M. Holifield
I’ve been “awake” for over 10 years now, so this information really isn’t new to me, but the documentary covers an enormous amount of info that might just blow the minds of some people who are just coming out of the “sleep mode.” The newbies are going to have to go research the facts brought forth for a deeper understanding. The “rabbit hole” is deeper than one can imagine. Many people just can’t believe that anyone can be that evil or have that much power to enforce their evil agendas on them as this film acknowledges is happening. Most people are generally “good” or believe themselves to be “good” and no one could be that evil. But when you look around at what is happening, you begin to see and hear the truth. Suddenly you realize the truth. It can be scary. Once you learn the truth, you can’t go back. You now have the responsibility to speak it and let more people know about it.
However, there will always be those people who will refuse to see or hear the truth and continue to go along with the evil agendas. May your chains rest lightly on your necks.
I loved the format of this documentary. The switching back and forth between the experts being interviewed was refreshing. There were serious conversations and some light hearted conversations that made me laugh. (Gerald Celente and Charlie Daniels have unique ways of getting serious messages across in a light hearted manner.)
See this movie, I bet you’ll have to share it with everyone you know!